Africa Covers
One day, not too long ago, I couldn't get Toto's song "Africa" out of my head.
I figured the best way to rid myself of the earworm was to listen to the song.
I already own a copy and I didn't want to pay for it again, so I turned to YouTube...
... and I was floored by the number of covers that were presented to me.
But it was complete chaos - "Africa" covers of all types of different musical genres were jumbled together and intermixed with completely irrelevant search results like Ted Talks... and I thought to myself, "someone should organize this."
So I waited... and waited... and waited... and nobody organized it.
*Disclaimer* - I have no affiliation with Toto except for being a fan, and I have no affiliation with any of the very talented people who made covers and put them on the Internet - I am also a fan of each and every one of them.
Without further ado - here are my favorites broken down by genre. The favorites and honorable mentions will likely change over time so keep checking back.